Become an expert

Thanks for your interest in becoming an expert with the World's largest athletic shoe website. Your reviews will be read by thousands of sports enthusiasts. 


Become an expert - get free shoes



Step 1: Do two in-depth reviews of shoes you own/purchased yourself.

Step 2: Review shoes we send you or shoes you buy.

Step 3: Earn FREE shoes:

  1. Keep the shoes we send you.
  2. Get a free pair for every 5 reviews you do of your own shoes.
  3. Get a free pair for writing the best review of the month.

Most importantly, help fellow athletes pick the right shoes, and be recognized by millions of sports fans.



  • Reviews must be at least 600 words and include detailed images.
  • You are fluent in written English.



Once you've applied, Shannice will follow up with more information. If you have questions, email Shannice ( directly.